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Chapter 1 Pronunciation Assistant

Our World, Our Music presents music from many of our world's cultures.  Pronunciation of some of the music's titles or of composers' or performers' names may be unfamiliar.  The Pronunciation Assistant provides an opportunity to hear some of the terms and names from Chapter 1 spoken aloud.  Since some terms may have more than one correct pronunciation, your instructor's pronunciation may differ from that of The Pronunciation Assistant.

Click on a term or name to hear the pronunciation.  (Always allow content from ourworldourmusic.com)

adagio glockenspiel piano
Adhan grave pianoforte
aerophone guiro piccolo
Ala Balad El Mahboub guitarron pizzicato
allegretto harpsichord plectrum
allegro heterophonic polyphonic
alto homophonic portamento
andante idiophone prestissimo
arco Kaldak-Khamar presto
axatse kogyil Pythagoras
baritone largo Quran
bass L'arlesienne rosin
bassoon legato shofar
Georges Bizet lu sheng sitar
bugle mandolin sopranino
cello mangtong soprano
chanter maracas sousaphone
chordophone mariachi staccato
Cielito Lindo marimba synthesizer
clarinet Mata tempo
clavichord Medici tenor
crotales membranophone theremin
djembe metronome timbales
dulcimer mezzo forte timbre
Elisette mezzo piano timpani
enharmonic mezzo soprano Tito El Bambino
euphonium moderato Torah
fermata monophonic viola
forte oboe vivace
fortissimo Oum Kolsoum xylophone
fortississimo pianissimo Yat Kha
gankogui pianississimo Yusuf Islam

©2021 by Robert L. Elliott and Kendall Hunt Publishing Co.