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Chapter 4 Pronunciation Assistant

Our World, Our Music presents music from many of our world's cultures.  Pronunciation of some of the music's titles or of composers' or performers' names may be unfamiliar.  The Pronunciation Assistant provides an opportunity to hear some of the terms and names from Chapter 4 spoken aloud.  Since some terms may have more than one correct pronunciation, your instructor's pronunciation may differ from that of The Pronunciation Assistant.

Click on a term or name to hear the pronunciation.  (Always allow content from ourworldourmusic.com)

adagio sostenuto Prince Nicholas Esterhazy pianoforte
Alla Turca exposition recapitulation
allegro con brio Giulietta Gucciardi rondo
Marie Antoinette guillotine Salzburg
Austria Habsburg scherzo
bebop Haffner serenade
Ludwig van Beethoven Franz Josef Haydn sonata
Napoleon Bonaparte Leporello sonata-allegro
coda Madamina, il catalogo e questo sonata-rondo
concerto Charles Mingus Billy Strayhorn
development minuet and trio symphony
Don Giovanni Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Vienna
Don Juan Napoleonic Wars virtuoso
Eine Kleine Nachtmusik orchestra wheelwright

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